BlueCielo Publisher 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About publishing jobs > Configuring a Publisher job > Configuring the rendering options

Configuring the rendering options

The rendering options specify to which formats in the destination vault the source documents should be rendered before they are imported.

You can render a single source document to multiple formats in the destination system.

To configure document rendering options:

  1. In BlueCielo Application Manager, expand the name of the publishing job in the configuration tree that you want to configure.
  2. Select the Configuration branch in the configuration tree. The job's configuration pages appear in the right pane.
  3. Click the Rendition tab. The Rendition configuration page appears.
  4. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Rendition options
Option Description

Rendering modules

Select at least one rendering module that you want used during rendering for this job. Multiple modules may be selected if the Use the next rendering module if rendering fails and the number of retries is exceeded option is enabled.

Click Options to specify the rendering options for each module as described in the following topics.

Get page size from a property value of the source document

Select this option if the page size of the rendition is stored in a property of the source document. The value can be any size that is configured for the selected rendering module. Select the property name from the list. For acceptable page size property values, see NEW Page size names.

Get page orientation from a property value of the source document

Select this option if the page orientation of the rendition is stored in a property of the source document and select the property name from the list. The orientation values in the selected property can be Portrait, Landscape, P, L, or empty (default orientation). Valid values must match those in the localized language. If an invalid value is encountered, an error message will appear in the publishing log.

Publish unrendered if no rendering module is configured for a file type

Publishes the source document in its native format if the document's file extension has not been configured in the rendering options of any rendering module.



Use the next rendering module if rendering fails and the number of retries has been exceeded

Enables failover rendering by a different rendering module if a document cannot be rendered by the desired module due to unavoidable errors. For example, if a drawing fails to render using the AutoCAD rendering module, the job is retried with the AutoVue rendering module.

Click Move Up and Move Down to set the order in which you want the selected modules to be tried.

Note    If rendering fails with any module and the next module is tried, the text _RETRYRENDER_<ModuleName>_ will be passed in the publishOptions arguments described in PublisherSourceEvent_AfterPublish event and PublisherDestinationEvent_AfterPublish event

  1. Click Save to save your changes.

Related concepts

Understanding the AutoVue rendering module

NEW Understanding the PDF Merge rendering module

Understanding the AutoCAD rendering module

Understanding the Inventor rendering module

Understanding the Office rendering module

Understanding the MicroStation rendering module

Understanding the SolidWorks rendering module

Understanding the eSignature post rendering module

NEW About rendition post processing

Related tasks

NEW Configuring signature pages

NEW Creating a signature page template

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